I am proud to be serving as your elected judge of the 366th District Court. Your trust in me has resulted in an efficient, experienced, and dedicated court of justice. In the coming election, with your support, we will win a full term to ensure justice for the citizens of Collin County.
I am proud to be serving as your elected judge of the 366th District Court. Your trust in me has resulted in an efficient, experienced, and dedicated court of justice. In the coming election, with your support, we will win a full term to ensure justice for the citizens of Collin County.


I feel that now, more than ever, we need leaders with real experience in our courts. We need expertise and experience, such as my Board Certification in Criminal Law, to ensure that justice is fair to all in our local courts. We need the integrity, like the kind I learned from being on both sides of a case, to ensure local judges are not legislating from the bench. We need our leadership to be efficient and decisive, like the kind I learned in the Air Force. The people of Collin County deserve the skill, determination, and honesty that cannot be matched by any other candidate.

Please support our campaign to Keep Judge Tom Nowak for the 366th District Court. I promise, if re-elected, to continue strict construction of the law and the impartial administration of justice. We have been one of the most successful courts in Collin County since my election in 2020. I am asking for your prayers, financial support, and vote to continue that success for a full 4-year term. Would you please take a moment to learn more about me and how we can work together? And please reach out to find out how you can join our campaign. I look forward to hearing from you as we continue our campaign to keep experience, integrity, and leadership for the 366th District Court.

God Bless.

Judge Tom Nowak

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Throughout the last couple of years, I have been working towards a degree for the USAF. I finally got my diploma for a Master ofMilitary Operational Art and Science, with a concentration in Joint Warfare. "What does that mean?" you may ask. It means they taught me how to grunt so a Marine or Army servicemember can understand me. In all seriousness, I received some great training in leadership, communication, history, planning for large-scale operations, and being nice to the other branches (speaking their language). ... See MoreSee Less

Throughout the last couple of years, I have been working towards a degree for the USAF. I finally got my diploma for a Master ofMilitary Operational Art and Science, with a concentration in Joint Warfare. What does that mean? you may ask. It means they taught me how to grunt so a Marine or Army servicemember can understand me. In all seriousness, I received some great training in leadership, communication, history, planning for large-scale operations, and being nice to the other branches (speaking their language).Image attachment

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How does it feel to be a graduate of the Air War College?

Congratulations from the Choate family.




That’s amazing work. Congrats, T


Go back to Poland. We don't need you here.

You are an evil corrupt judge who deserves to be unseated off the bench.

Congratulations on your achievement and thank you for your service.

You are openly violating the First Amendment by blocking members of the public on your page and censoring different viewpoints! Shame on you! You are a dirty, evil, and disgusting judge who deserves to be unseated from the bench.

You are evil and disgusting.

You need to recuse yourself. You're nothing but a corrupt tyrant who makes children suffer.

You've allowed a non custodial parent to wrongfully and illegally claim their dependent on their taxes when they don't even pay a dime in child support. You are corrupt, evil, disgusting, and gender bias.

Too bad you didn’t take a refresher in the Constitution. Why do you delete comments as a public servant knowing there is case law that prohibits your actions? You watch as people are abused in family court and innocent people mainly fathers have their children taken away for no reason, then complain when people protest. The very thing that keeps our nation free! How does it feel to be born in another country, come here and violate your oath of office and abuse the very citizens you took an oath to protect? You tyrant! I served MY nation in combat, again as a police officer and then get treated like a criminal in corrupt Collin county courts, have my kids taken away for no reason. Then find out judges like you take donations from attorneys. How are you neutral if you take cash from one side? Repent and turn to Christ!

Judge Tom Nowak is an evil, dirty judge.

You and your wife deserve to rot in prison!

You and your wife deserve to be in prison!

You will be exposed.

You're still a corrupt crony.

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November 29, 2021

As your Judge of the 366th District Court in Collin County, I am blessed beyond measure and ask for your support in the coming election. I am looking forward to the campaign in 2022 and have filed paperwork seeking reelection for a full-term to the 366th. With your support, Experience, Integrity, and Leadership will continue in Collin County!

tom nowak signature


November 29, 2021

“As your Judge of the 366th District Court in Collin County, I am blessed beyond measure and ask for your support in the coming election. I am looking forward to the campaign in 2022 and have filed paperwork seeking reelection for a full-term to the 366th  With your support, Experience, Integrity, and Leadership will continue in Collin County!”

tom nowak signature